tramp|tramped|tramping|tramps in English


wander, rove, loiter, travel by foot; trample over; trudge, tread heavily

Use "tramp|tramped|tramping|tramps" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tramp|tramped|tramping|tramps" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tramp|tramped|tramping|tramps", or refer to the context using the word "tramp|tramped|tramping|tramps" in the English Dictionary.

1. He tramped hither and thither.

2. Tramps and drunk teamsters.

3. A tramping track runs along the river and forms the western branch of the Travers-Sabine tramping circuit.

4. Who's a tramp?

5. It don't apply to tramps like you.

6. That little tramp!

7. 6 He tramped up and down in the office.

8. Don't pamper scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

9. Do you all want to be seen as tramps?

10. Hoboes, Bindlestiffs, Fruit Tramps, and the Harvesting of the West

11. Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

12. The tramp was arrested for vagrancy.

13. Angelina is a tramp and a liar.

14. Zali sloped along like an old tramp.

15. 7 In paris tramps often doss down under the bridges.

16. The tweedy tramp coat is an abhorrence.

17. However he recollected himself, and tramped through the wet to find a lodging.

18. We can do Lady and the Tramp.

19. The tramp was benumbed by the cold.

20. Those tramp steamers knock about southeast Asia.

21. Synonyms for Clomped include clumped, galumphed, stamped, trudged, clopped, clunked, lumbered, plodded, stomped and tramped

22. Those invigorating tramps across the springy heather merely whetted my appetite for more.

23. He looked like the worst kind of tramp.

24. The old tramp shambled wearily up the path.

25. The girls went for a tramp through the countryside.